Let Physical Therapy Help You Get Back to the Activities You Love!
Struggling To Live Life on Your Own Terms? Physical Therapy Can Help!
Your golf friends wonder if you’re ever going to join them for another nine holes. That oil painting you started way back when still awaits the finishing touches. You bought a guitar last year, but you can’t stand the thought of trying to play it. Your tennis game got rusty shortly after your elbow did the same.
Do these scenarios, or similar ones, strike a little close to home? Chronic pain, stiffness and injuries can draw strict lines governing what you can and can’t do.
It’s a situation that has been seen time and time again and that countless individuals suffer from daily. At times, the emotional pain of not being able to do the things you love with the people you love can be hurt more than the physical. Taking painkillers offers little more than a stopgap solution, while major surgery could actually set you back further instead of letting you get past your problem.
But what if I told you there is another option for returning to the activities you love and living the life you deserve? What if I told you you could skip all of the short-term solutions for your chronic pain and get to the very root of your pain and stop it in its tracks? Well, the good news is you can do all of that, and you can do it with physical therapy.
How Painful Problems Can Limit Your Freedom and Lifestyle
The human body is capable of an extraordinary range of physical actions, thanks to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints in your body that make motion possible. Unfortunately, this amazing structure is prone to run into problems from time to time — problems that restrict your range of motion, making even the smallest of actions too painful to contemplate.
Let’s look at how issues affecting different body parts can limit your lifestyle.
- Lower extremities – Any physical activity that involves running, jumping, or even standing still can become impossible if your hips, knees, or feet are in pain. Osteoarthritis most notably affects weight-bearing joints. Another possibility could also be runner’s knee, sciatica, or plantar fasciitis.
- Elbows and shoulders – Because of constant and repeated stress on specific parts of their bodies, athletes regularly struggle with motion injuries, bursitis, or tendinitis in the elbows or shoulders. 38 million Americans suffer from the two classic examples include golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow, two similar forms of chronic tendon damage and inflammation.
- Neck and back – Does your favorite activity require you to crane your neck or twist your back constantly? It may be impossible to do either if you’re suffering from a herniated disc, a strained back, overstressed neck muscles, or degenerative spinal joint issues.
- Hands – It’s not easy to think of any artistic endeavor that doesn’t require limber hands and fingers. Arthritis can stiffen your digits to the point where you can’t play an instrument, draw, or create handicrafts. Carpal tunnel syndrome makes even holding a pen a painful and agonizing experience
The Goal of Pain-Free Function Is Attainable With Our Physical Therapists!
Physical therapy makes a natural first line of care for anyone looking to regain lost strength, dexterity, or range of motion. Many people turn to physical therapy to take away the limits imposed by chronic pain or injuries so that they can return to their favorite activities. Our physical therapist makes a point of going above and beyond physical exams and symptom evaluations, tailoring the treatment by speaking with you about your specific frustrations, limitations, goals, and hopes for relief. We can then arrange a detailed, personalized physical therapy plan that targets those ailments and objectives.
Physical therapy uses a variety of tools and strategies that work together to achieve a desired result. For example:
- A combination of massage therapy, stretches, heat therapy and cold therapy can ease pain in your hands and wrists.
- Strength training, chiropractic treatment, and corrective exercises may be recommended to soothe pain and prevent further injury in the neck or back.
- Walking, cycling or swimming can improve the pain-free range of motion in your weight-bearing joints.
- Orthotic shoe inserts can help you come back from plantar fasciitis.
With The Help Of A Physical Therapist, You Can Enjoy Your Favorite Activities Without Pain!
Chronic pain can be an unparalleled detriment to your life and the thing you want to do in it. Talking about your struggles and pain you’ve faced is the first step to taking your life back. Once you’ve taken that step, you are making a choice to not let the pain control you. Don’t settle for being a spectator where your favorite activities are concerned. Jump back into the things you love by contacting our physical therapists at Trinity PT for treatment today!
- http://www.apta.org/scopeofpractice/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-pain/wrist-and-hand-stretches
- https://www.blog.ohmyarthritis.com/what-is-the-difference-between-tennis-elbow-and-golfers-elbow/
- https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/bones-joints-and-muscles/overuse-and-repetitive-motion-injuries.html
- https://www.whyiexercise.com/physical-therapy-exercises.html
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/arthritis/in-depth/arthritis/art-20047971
Tags: Strength training, cold therapy, Heat therapy, physical therapist, massage therapy, health, physical therapy, physical fitness, fitness, health and wellness, Trinity Physical Therapy, physical activity